Are you interested in becoming a Certified Teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program? Here are some questions and answers that may help you make the decision to apply for TTC.
How long is the course?
The training to become a Certified Teacher of the TM® program involves attendance at a full-time, in-residence course for five months. Because of the length of the course, it is only offered once a year.
Where is the course held?
Men’s and women’s courses will be held concurrently in different areas of Rajapark Institute Training Center, Chanthaburi, Thailand.
This unique campus was designed and built according to Maharishi Vastu® principles (architecture in harmony with natural law). There are four main buildings, set around a central pavilion. (See campus photos above and below.) The peaceful atmosphere of the campus is soaked with the blissful influence of advanced TM courses held there over many years.
Newly renovated, single-occupancy, en-suite bedrooms; comfortable, spacious classroom and meditation halls; and nourishing vegetarian meals support a smooth experience of the daily TTC routine.
Life at Chanthaburi
Comments from TTC graduates:
“TTC is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that instilled unprecedented inner transformation in me ... The facility, clean rooms, cooperative staff, and fabulous course leaders and course directors made the entire course seamless and enjoyable. I highly recommend TTC in Thailand to anyone who is contemplating becoming a Teacher of Transcendental Meditation.”
— U.B., from United States/Nepal, graduated from TTC in 2019
“I finished TTC in January 2019 after wanting to go for a few years. I’m glad I waited so that I could go through this transformative experience in the pristine nature of Chanthaburi, Thailand. Nature was one of the highlights for sure; I would always look forward to the walk and talks.
“The food was delicious, nourishing, and wholesome. Everything was taken care of with the utmost attentiveness. I’m grateful to all the staff that made our stay so comfortable and worry-free. All rooms are very spacious... with en-suite bathrooms.
“Knowledge-wise it’s the best course I’ll ever attend; having Maharishi’s knowledge close to you every day for so long quietly transforms you. It was a once-in-a-lifetime, never-to-be-repeated, completely evolutionary experience. I’d do it again in a heartbeat!”
— G.P., from Germany, graduated from TTC in 2019
What does the course fee cover?
We do everything we can to keep the course fee as low as possible. The course fee includes tuition, housing, vegetarian meals, and the cost of study and going-home materials. Click to see course fee.
Are there grants available to those who need financial assistance for the course fee?
Financial aid may be available for candidates who are accepted to the course and demonstrate financial need.
All such grants and scholarships require the applicant to make a minimum two-year commitment to teach the Transcendental Meditation program on a full-time basis immediately after successful completion of TTC. All such TM teaching must be conducted in the U.S. and under the auspices of Maharishi Foundation USA, the national organization that offers the TM program to the general public.
What will I learn on TTC?
You will learn every aspect of teaching the Transcendental Meditation program, including how to give interesting introductory and preparatory talks, how to interview prospective meditators, how to guide an individual in learning the practice, and how to verify and validate their experience. You will also learn how to follow up on the progress of their practice after they have completed the course.
Additionally, there will be many inspiring hours of videos of Maharishi and other speakers on the theory and knowledge of the TM program, as well as an introduction to other areas of Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM.
What is the daily routine like on TTC?
Each day consists of the following components:
- Ample time for practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi® programs and Maharishi YogaSM asanas
- Three lacto-vegetarian meals
- Light recreation
- Three study sessions
- A good night’s rest
What should I do to prepare to take TTC?
If you have not yet learned the Transcendental Meditation technique, that is the first step you’ll need to take. Having a broad base of knowledge and experience of the TM program beforehand greatly helps in mastering all of the knowledge learned during the TTC. Because of this, we suggest applying at least one year after you learn to meditate.
For everyone practicing the TM technique, we encourage you to participate regularly in activities of the nearest TM Center. We especially encourage you to start taking advantage of the Advanced Techniques of the Transcendental Meditation program, including the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi ProgramSM.
Will I have a private room and bath during the course?
Yes, everyone has a private room and bath.
Is it possible to get academic credit or university financial aid for TTC?
Academic credit may be available for TTC through Maharishi International University (MIU) in Fairfield, Iowa. In some cases, federal student aid may be available toward the cost of TTC for U.S. students who are nearing the end of their degree program and have remaining federal aid eligibility.
Students at other universities may apply for transfer credits for TTC from Maharishi International University through the MIU Registrar: 641-472-1144.
Who is eligible to apply for TTC?
Here are the requirements to apply:
- Practicing the TM technique for at least one year: It is important to have experience and intellectual understanding of the TM program before applying for TTC. Regular twice-daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique for at least one year and regular participation in TM Center knowledge programs are required of TTC aspirants.
- Two-year commitment after becoming a Certified TM Teacher: Priority will be given to applicants who commit to teaching the Transcendental Meditation program full-time for at least two years after completion of TTC. The two-year commitment will apply especially for those seeking scholarships.
- Practicing the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi ProgramSM for at least three months before the start of TTC: Meditators who are not yet Sidhas should immediately apply for the TM-Sidhi® course to complete instruction in this advanced program at least three months before the start of TTC. (Note: The cost of the TM-Sidhi® course is not included in the TTC fee.) The TM-Sidhi program enlivens specific channels of mind-body coordination from the deepest level of consciousness. The most powerful aspect of this program, and the focus of the in-residence portion of the course, is the Yogic Flying® technique, during which brainwave synchrony is maximized. Internally, the experience is one of unshakable inner silence accompanied by exhilaration and “bubbling bliss.” The juxtaposition of inner silence and outer dynamism provides a powerful means of stabilizing higher states of consciousness—enlightenment.
- Participation in a weekend TM Retreat or weekend WPA within one year prior to applying for TTC
- Sidhas must attend one weekend World Peace Assembly or the TM-Sidhi course within 12 months prior to applying for TTC.
- Meditators must attend one weekend TM Retreat within 12 months prior to applying for the TM-Sidhi course.
- Age of Applicants: For this TTC, professionals, as well as younger adults—including recent college graduates and young professionals—are especially encouraged to apply. However, all interested candidates are warmly welcome to apply.
- Applicants should have a strong ability to memorize a large amount of information.
- TTC Home Learning Program: Applicants are required to complete several weeks of pre-TTC study assignments at home before leaving for the in-residence five-month TTC. For this reason, it is important to apply early in order to learn the necessary material for the study assignments and meet the TTC acceptance standards. The Home Learning Prgram begins on May 1, 2023.
- Language: The course lessons will be in English.
- Health insurance: Course participants are required to have health insurance that covers them in the course location. (More information about this requirement is supplied later in the full application process.)
Do I need to have learned the four Advanced Techniques of the TM program or the TM-Sidhi program to apply for TTC?
It is required that TTC applicants be practicing the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program for at least three months before the start of TTC.
The requirement for completing four Advanced Techniques prior to learning the TM-Sidhi program is waived for those who have been accepted to TTC, provided they commit to taking the remaining Advanced Techniques after TTC. For this reason, it is vital for meditators to begin the TTC application process immediately, so they can be accepted in time for the TM-Sidhi course.
Attendance at one weekend TM Retreat is required for acceptance to the TM-Sidhi course.
Meditators who are not yet Sidhas should immediately apply for the TM-Sidhi course to complete instruction at least three months before the start of TTC. (Note: The cost of the TM-Sidhi course is not included in the TTC fee.)
“Through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique one gains the experience of pure consciousness, the simplest state of awareness. The benefits of this experience are better physical and mental health, more harmonious behavior, more balanced and clear thinking, and a generally improving quality of life. On the basis of this development of life through the Transcendental Meditation technique, the TM-Sidhi program further develops mind-body coordination and the ability to act from the simplest state of awareness, the field of all possibilities, so that the individual can fulfill all his desires.” —Maharishi
Where is the TM-Sidhi course held and how do I apply?
The course to learn the TM-Sidhi program, called the Center Invincibility Course (CIC), consists of two parts:
CIC Part 1 is available in two locations. Please email the listed contact for the course location of your choice for application details.
- Bethesda, MD: 3 weekends, with 4 classes per weekend
April 14–16, April 21–23, April 28–30
Application deadline: March 15, 2023
Contact: Katie Grose, or (301) 770‑5690 - Fairfield, IA: 6 weekends, with 2 classes per weekend
April 22–23, April 29–30, May 6–7, May 13–14, May 20–21, May 27–28
Application deadline: March 25, 2023
Contact: Olga Hopkins,
or (641) 919‑1300
CIC Part 2: Two-week, full-time, in-residence portion of CIC. — This in-residence training is for all who successfully complete Part 1 of the TM-Sidhi course. All meetings are required.
- Location: Fairfield, IA, on the campus of Maharishi International University.
June 25 through July 9 — two weeks in residence
Contact: Elizabeth Dearborn,
Some requirements for application to CIC #93:
- A minimum of two months regular, twice-daily practice of the TM technique
- Personal checking of your TM Technique within a month of May 26
- Completion of at least one TM Weekend Retreat (Residence Course)
- The requirement for having received 4 Advanced Techniques of the TM program prior to CIC may be waived for those accepted to TTC.
- Recommendations from 3-4 Governors/TM Teachers, who are non-relatives. MIU students need a minimum of 2 (of the 3-4) recommendations from their academic teachers who are Governors. After you have applied for CIC please ask the Governors to call 641-472-7000 x3166 for instructions.
- 6 passport photos (on the back of each photo: name, CIC #93)
- Any CIC health guidelines or requirements regarding COVID will be announced closer to the time of the course, and will depend on the current status of the pandemic.
Note: Although completion of Part 2 of the TM-Sidhi course on July 8 does not meet the requirement to be practicing the TM-Sidhi program for at least three months prior to TTC, meditators may be eligible to attend TTC if they receive very strong recommendations from their CIC Part 2 course leaders.
Cost of TM-Sidhi course (Fees must be paid in full before the start of the course.):
- Adults: $3,000
- Full-time students: $3,000
- Full-time MIU-Fairfield students: $1,200
Cost of two-week in-residence block at Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa:
- Dormitory on MIU campus: $950
- Room in Maharishi Peace Palace: $1,570 (subject to availability)
Note: Please see “How To Start Your TTC Application,” on the TTC Application page for information on how to apply for the TM-Sidhi course. It is important to apply for this program as soon as possible, and thereby complete instruction at least three months before the start of TTC.
What happens after I graduate from TTC? Where do I teach?
TTC applicants must have an approved teaching position in order to be accepted to TTC. Once you begin the full application process, you will be directed to submit your teaching plan for approval.

May I teach the TM program part-time after TTC?
Graduates of TTC are encouraged to teach the Transcendental Meditation program as much as possible immediately following the course. This puts into practice all that they have spent nearly five months learning and preparing for. Since the purpose of taking the course is to teach, everyone is strongly encouraged to do so. Those seeking financial assistance are asked to commit to teaching full-time for at least two years.
How much will I earn as a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program?
The organizations that offer the Transcendental Meditation program in the U.S. are non-profit educational organizations. As “independent contractors,” teachers’ earnings are based on the results of their own initiatives and success. There may also be some salaried internships available upon completion of TTC. Those who receive TTC scholarships are required to conduct their teaching activities in the U.S. under the auspices of Maharishi Foundation USA.
Are there any additional benefits that come with being a Certified Teacher?
Full-time teachers receive discounts on Advanced Techniques, Maharishi AyurVeda® products and treatments at selected facilities, and certain courses offered at Maharishi International University.
Will I be on my own when teaching after TTC?
Maharishi Foundation USA provides three- to six-month internships with an established Certified TM Teacher immediately following TTC, to help orient you to teaching the Transcendental Meditation program in a TM Center.
Although on TTC you learn how to effectively teach the Transcendental Meditation program, it is important to learn how a TM Center functions in order to integrate all you have learned on TTC with the day-to-day activities at a TM Center.
Is there continuing education for Certified Teachers of the Transcendental Meditation program?
For continuing education, we hold annual workshops for TM teachers in the summer. In addition, those who have lapsed in teaching for some time may be required to fulfill some teacher refresher requirements before resuming teaching.